Window Cleaning Service
We offer Commercial and Residential window cleaning services to fit virtually any budget or situation.
We can clean just the outsides of the windows, or can clean the insides as well, or anything in between.
We can do one-off cleanings, or schedule regular cleanings ranging in frequency from once per month (popular among retail buildings) to once or twice per year (which is typical for most homes). It is recommended by glass scientists to wash glass as soon as dirt is visible to prevent the buildup of mineral stains.
We have a well earned reputation for being among the most thorough and punctual in our industry, and yet still are remarkably affordable.
We are experienced in cleaning virtually all types of window or glass, and follow industry accepted, science-backed cleaning protocols to prevent damage during cleaning.
The average experience level of one of our amazing technicians is 15 years. We are able to estimate and complete jobs quickly and without fuss.
Most of our window cleaning is what is dubbed "traditional" in our industry. Our skilled technicians typically clean windows by hand with tools that would have been familiar to your great-grandparents, such as squeegees, sea sponges, and linen cloths. We do have all of the latest machinery and equipment as well which is used in specialized circumstances, but we have found through experience that there is no replacement for the traditional method of cleaning glass.
We personally have an aversion to harsh chemicals and fragrances, and use extremely safe and effective bio-degradable and non-toxic cleaning solutions.
We are able to clean windows year round, but do prefer to limit work to above-freezing temperatures. We do clean windows all 12 months of the year.
We clean any screens or tracks as part of the service. If we are only doing an exterior cleaning we typically clean only the exterior facing screens, and the portion of the track that is accessible from the outside.
If you are planning on having construction work done, please be sure that all glass is covered completely during construction to prevent construction debris such as paint, caulk, masonry, or adhesives from adhering to the window. Windows that have construction debris or other pervasive staining are potentially destroyed by definition, as the equipment needed to remove that debris, such as razors, abrasives, or harsh chemicals, are potentially deleterious to the window and its components in various ways. An ounce of prevention is advised and worth the effort.